Production Notes: Overcooked Vegan – Episode 6

Overcooked Vegan Episode 6 is up. My frustration caught up with me for little while so I chose to only have one cooking segment this time around. That’s standard for web shows but I’ve mentioned my interest in targeting broadcast and cable in the past. Ironically enough, this episode wound up being one of the longer episodes because I got a bee in my bonnet to do a long held back product overview. I call it overview because there is little reason for me to believe my tastebuds are precision-tuned to match anyone outside of myself.

The neighbors always said that I looked like the Soy Milk Man.

The neighbors always said that I looked like the Soy Milk Man instead of my daddy.

Backing up for a second, I was prepared to upload the show Monday night but I figured I would take Tuesday to build some new animations. Instead, I decided to get rid of the clutter of empty Almond Milk boxes that I had collected for a photo project. Trash day and I was sick of looking at the things on the shelf so I got to shooting them quickly so I could feed the recycle bin. I wrote a script and realized by the time I was finished that I sounded like Joan Rivers using the baritone patch on a vocoder. My voice was super tired. So, I figured I’d catch a couple of hours of sleep then finish everything about 2 am. Nope. I started at 5 am. Screwed! It took about 3.5 hours to piece it together (voice record, edit). On the finished output I hear that I sound like Joan Rivers using the cracking tenor patch on a vocoder. So be it. That’s what I get for being anti-social for the week.

Eggplant and I are not friends but this was pretty good.

Eggplant and I are not friends but this was pretty good.

Problems: On set I let the talent leave the radio on at the beginning thinking that I was going to shoot and cut a different way. No. Don’t do that. You honestly do not know what you’re going to do in the edit so keep everything as useable as possible. The external audio device is begging to be replaced. I’m going to have to address that asap. Lastly, I have to find a definitive episode number to call it a season so I can appropriately tweak ideas and prepare for season 2.

In all, it’s still a learning experience and good production exercise while passing on decent health-related information. In doing the almond milk overview it reminded me about the carrageenan issues. It had totally slipped my mind. How I go forward with that information is thus far unknown but I’m glad I did it. Down the line, I’ll revisit the segment and re-edit to give it more pop. I’ve been out of Almond Milk since Saturday so it was funny having so many cartons but nothing to drink.

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